Saturday 16 November 2013

Advice to My Friend

To Jordan,

     Jordan, my dear friend, I hear you are going to come to Canada for the first time. I’m excited about we’ll meet in Calgary. Two months ago, I came to the University of Calgary to study English. I think I have a little experience.
    I will give my advice.  I hope that it may be used for you. First, you should bring some your favorite foods. In spite of there is a small Chinatown in Calgary, There are a few Chinese restaurants. And in those restaurants, their foods mainly are the south style of China. I know you are the north of China. I think you might not like here foods. My best advice you should cook for yourself. Second, you should study knowledge about polite in Canada. As you know, there are a lot of different polite than China. You must abide by all the rules in the Canada. Third, you should study English. People in Calgary use English to communicate. You have to speak English for shopping, asking, and talking. If your main purpose is to go to university, you'd better passed the IELTS test in China.

  Say hi to our friends.

 Your friend, Wen

1 comment:

  1. Great letter - you organized your ideas very clearly! Unfortunately we don't have a lot of good Chinese restaurants in Calgary. The better ones are in Toronto or Vancouver.

    I'm excited about our meeting in Calgary.

    Despite the fact there is a small Chinatown in Calgary, there are few Chinese restaurants.
