Sunday 24 November 2013

My Favorite Game

My favorite game is the game of Go. When I was a child, I studied how to making the game of Go in a Go training classes every week. Today, I usually make Go with my friends in weekend.

The rules of Go are very simple, only with a very large space can win. Making Go is more complicated than the Chinese chess. Making Go a set of time often need to more than two hours. Making Go to the intellectual development of the human brain  is very helpful. Making Go to enhance a person is computing power, memory, thinking ability, and improving the ability to control.

Go is a puzzle game, originated more than 3000 years in China. It is said that the game of Go was invented by Yao, A great man in ancient China. Today, the population of making Go are more than tens of millions of people in Asia, there are many people making Go in Europe, North America, and other countries.



1 comment:

  1. There are Go training classes? I guess people must take the game very seriously! I've never tried it, but it looks like a challenging game.

    When I was a child, I studied how to play the game of Go in a Go training class every week.

    Today, the number of people playing Go is more than tens of millions of people in Asia; there are also many people playing Go in Europe, North America, and other countries.
